first I have found 2 PHP files which help you to work with API. From the below link you can download those files.
Inside the zip file you have downloaded you can find 2 PHP files called,
- OAuth.php
- twitteroauth.php
After that just create a new PHP file inside the same folder and name it as index.php.
This where we are going to do some coding.
first we have to first call the twitteroauth.php file using following code.
<?php include "twitteroauth.php";?>
Then we have to connect our twitter app (which was created using to get data.
$consumer = "";
$consumersecret = "";
$accesstoken = "";
$accesstokensecret = "";
$twitter = new TwitterOAuth($consumer,$consumersecret,$accesstoken,$accesstokensecret);
$tweets = $twitter->get('');
You can find your consumer, consumersecret, accesstoken and accesstokensecret keys from .
And also you have to get a search method from and put it in $tweet.
The rest of the code is simple. You just have to do some html stuff to arrange the tweets in away that you can understand.
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<title>Twitter API</title>
<form action="" method="post">
<label>Search : <input type="text" name="keyword"/></label>
if (isset($_POST['keyword'])){
$tweets = $twitter->get(''.$_POST['keyword'].'&lang=en&result_type=recent&count=50');
foreach($tweets->statuses as $tweet){
echo 'Text - '.$tweet->text.'<br>';
echo 'Created at - '.$tweet->created_at.'<br><br>';
After that you just have to run the index file and see the results.